Monday, September 12, 2011

The White Collection

Our bedroom is really, really white.

Behold-my first attempt at adding personal video to my blog.

Maybe "behold" was a little too much build up?  My narration sounded completely cheesy.  Since it, combined with my shaky camera work, might give the wrong impression about how bone-chillingly cool I am in real life, I decided to replace it with cheesier Flip background music.  Sounds like an 80s after-school special doesn't it?

I was going for spa here, not mental hospital.  Clearly I went overboard.

We need to liven this up a little bit.  You can't really tell by the video clip, but I was going for beach like with the bed linens.  The sheets are a putty seafoam greenish color, and the bedskirt is navy blue.  I got that white duvet cover on clearance from Target.  However, with the extra curtained closet area Wes built and the walls-it's just too much white.  The white is kind of a cool shade too which makes the room seem cold.

We need color! And texture!

How about this?

Sources Include: 1. Pottery Barn, 2. Imagined Home, 3. Blossom Interiors via RoomRx, 4. Freshly Picked Blog, 5. Anthropologie via TheLoveleyRoom, 6. Lonny Magazine via DressDesignDecor, 7. World Market

Of course, some of these pieces are from my very favorite WTF retailers.  Anthropologie, Pottery Barn . . . I'm talking about you.  That means that I included them mostly as inspiration. 

The ombre on that bag, especially, is particularly beautiful.  These are sold on that blog by the way so if you want one definitely go check it out.  I think ombre would look great on a large scale wall hanging.  It's graphic, yet soothing.  Very spa like right?  Since I have all these canvas dropcloths leftover from the wedding maybe I should start getting crafty?


  1. i love the inspiration board. it's making me sleepy! i love the beach so beach inspired themes make me all warm inside! gosh i need a vacation!!

  2. I can second you on that one. I want to live on a beach somewhere for like a week. That should do it right?


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