Last year about this time I made the decision to stop relaxing my hair. I made that decision because I was trying to save as much money as possible and I just could justify or afford the expense.
I just left my hair alone for about six months and then in August Wes cut off the relaxed ends for me. To mark the occasion, I decided it was finally time for a serious trim. I am not that great at trimming it curly so I decided to flat iron it.
Considering what my hair usually looks like . . .
Well, let's just say that it was a serious two day undertaking.
First, I washed, deep conditioned, and detangled. Then, in hopes that I wouldn't have much blowdrying to do, I banded it all up.
Banding stretches the hair by holding it in a stretched out position as it drys.
This is what a banded section looks like un-banded. And it was still damp.
So I used the blowdryer to dry it a little more and stretch it a little more.
And here's what that section looked like flatironed.
Tah-dah! My whole head, untrimmed.
The side view. Look at all that hair!
So it has grown to pretty much shoulder length in one year.
Trimmed and styled. This is how I wore it to work.
Except it drove me nuts after an hour so I snatched it back into a ponytail.
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