Friday, June 3, 2011

Prioritizing Projects

YAY! We are officially mostly moved into our brand new place.  Do the qualifiers make that seem lame?  We moved all the heavy stuff yesterday and what a hot and sweaty venture that was.  Then I went to class and Wes he-manned on without me for a couple of hours.  Then I came back and did it all some more.

Today . . .  same verse same as the first.

I have to say I am very pleased with our progress thus far.  We even got around to some furniture arranging last night.  Then we started talking about all the things we would like to do and I thought it might be helpful to make a list.
  • We need to shorten two bookcases by about two and a half inches to make them fit.  Why yes, our entertainment center is a combination of Target bookshelves stacked together and anchored by wedging against the ceiling.
  • We have been getting by with a card table but we want to build a nice wood table with benches.  I found these plans on and I have been lusting, lusting I tell you, ever since.  It's perfect for seating a lot of people in small place.  The benches can sit underneath when not in use and thus, take up less space.
  • I want to paint our cloffices.  We are already re-purposing them as separate desk areas but I would like to make some further customization.
I'm thinking white exterior with an interesting graphic and turquoise and white interior . . . at least for mine.
  • We also have plans for the Kid's room.  These we will probably get to sooner rather than later.  We want to add some more storage baskets for toys, a kid size table and chair, a colorful rug, and a chalkboard wall! 
We live in an apartment, so we won't be painting the actual wall-but we were thinking of painting and hanging wood panels from the picture rail to achieve a similar effect.

I'll take some pictures to post soon-but all in all, I am very, very pleased with our new apartment.  Almost giddy if you will!  It's awesome and I have so many plans and projects that I can't wait to dig into!
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