Monday, August 6, 2012

Good Advice That I Just Don't Take

Isn't it ironic?  Oh Alanis. . .

Anyway, I feel like it's been awhile since I blathered about my hair.  That's because I have been trying really hard to just completely ignore it.  I put in some kinky twists and did that for a month or so, then, I took them out and did my first set of somewhat mini-twists.  These were more like medium ones because I got micro braids ONE time and I swore, with God as my witness, that I would never do anything like that again.

I let that marinate for over four weeks.  (Don't do this)  I washed them with regular shampoo because I was jumping in and out of the pool.  I also, mostly, forgot to condition and moisturize regularly which is a big no no.

My recommendations if you are considering mini-twists:
  • If you take excellent care of your hair-go for it.
  • If you sometimes forget you have hair AND that hair has a tendency to loc and you don't actually want it to loc--don't.  Just don't.
If you want to go for it, do it this way. . .

I love Naptural85.  She has great hair, she makes great videos, and she gives instructions that even I can follow.  I know I can find advice or tutorials for pretty much anything I want to do on her YouTube Channel.   I just don't follow her advice until it's too late.  Maybe this is like my cookbook thing?

It's weird because I obsessively research everything, and I do mean everything, else I do in life.  I guess I'm just content to wing it when it comes to my hair.  As a consequence, I just spent most of yesterday combing, and cutting, a ton of my damn hair out of my head.

This takedown got real ugly, real fast.  Let me be a lesson to you-do the right thing.

If you put them in right, you can take them down easy. . .

Or if you want to wing it like I did . . . be prepared to harvest a tumbleweed's worth of hair.

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